Graphic Designer, Photographer & image maker

I am a New York based Graphic Designer, Photographer and image maker. I love to experiment through combining my current skills with different print and production techniques, creating projects with new and unique outcomes. I am an obsessive experimenter and proficient in Adobe Creative Cloud, but with the help of a lot of paper, pens and tape I’ll start a project by using my hands.


Work Experience:

Hudson River Park Trust 
(New York State Park - Non-Profit agency), New York, NY.
(March 2019 - Current)

Dorling Kindersley
(Publisher - Penguin, Random House), London, UK.
(July 2013 - August 2018)

(Design Partnership), London, UK.
(April - May, 2013)

Beach Tomato
(Online Fashion, Lifestyle & Travel agency), London, UK.
(July - September, 2012)

(Design Consultancy), London, UK.
(March - April, 2012)

Stuart Lloyd Associates
(Design Agency), Carmarthen, UK.
(June - September, 2011)


BA (Hons) Design for Graphic Communication
London College of Communication 
(2013 - 2014) 2:1

FdA Design for Graphic Communication
London College of Communication
(2011 - 2013) Merit

Foundation Diploma in Art and Design
London College of Communication
(2010 - 2011) Merit

Extra Curricular Qualifications:

Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Voluntary service, learning and developing new skills, physical challenges and team building expedition.

Diploma of the London College of Music (DipLCM)
Piano performance - Distinction.

Design Skills:

- Bookbinding
- Branding
- Communication
- Illustration
- Layout Design
- Photography
Technical Skills:

- Adobe Creative Cloud
    - inc. InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Lightroom
- Google Suite
- InVision
- iWork
- Microsoft Office Suite


- Welsh
- English